martes, 21 de julio de 2015

Business Ethics Through Movies "A Case Study Approach"

Ecobook - librería de economía
Business Ethics Through Movies "A Case Study Approach" | Teays, Wanda | 9781118941942

ISBN: 978-1-118-94194-2
Editorial: Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Fecha de la edición: 2015
idioma: Ingles
Nº Pág.: 318

Reseña: Business Ethics Through Movies: A Case Study Approach examines a wide range of ethical dilemmas, principles and moral reasoning that arise in contemporary business through a series of popular films and real-world case studies. 
* Engages readers in learning about ethical theory by using movies and both national and international case studies in business as the vehicle for analysis and reflection 
* Facilitates comprehension of ethical issues by showing how characters in films confront issues, make choices, and face the consequences 
* Draws from a variety of actual cases in Business Ethics from the 1982 Tylenol poisoning and the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster to recent examples such as the Foster Farms salmonella outbreak and the chemical spill in West Virginia 
* Reveals the important role that ethics plays in setting the moral foundation of a business or corporation 
* Develops critical thinking skills through applying analytical checklists to ethical dilemmas raised in films and in actual cases in Business Ethics 
indice: Introduction to the Text i Acknowledgements ix 
UNIT 1 Moral Navigation: Business Ethics & Society 1 
1.1 Tools for the Journey 2 Spotlight: A Hijacking Ethics Codes: Apple; Google 
1.2 The Moral Compass: Integrity in Business 18 Spotlight: Up in the Air; Michael Clayton Case: The Tylenol Case Ethics Code: Johnson & Johnson 
1.3 Show Me the Money: Greed is Not Good 38 Spotlight: Wall Street; Big Men Cases: Martha Stewart s Insider Trading; Costco s Tainted Berries Ethics Code: Costco 
1.4 Talk to Me: The Impact of Technology 57 Spotlight: Her; The Net; Disconnect Cases: Edward Snowden and the NSA; Target s Data Breach; Target s Online Tracking Ethics Code: Yahoo! 
UNIT 2 Moral Leadership: Ethical Theory 76 
2.1 Aerial Surveillance: Ethical Theory 77 Spotlight: The Insider 
2.2 The Ends Justify the Means: Teleological Ethics 96 Spotlight: Contagion; Park Avenue: Money, Power, and the American Dream; Blue Jasmine Case: The Ford Pinto Ethics Code: Ford Motor Company 
2.3 Duties Rule: Deontological Ethics 117 Spotlight: Shattered Glass; Arbitrage; Quiz Show; Food Inc. Cases: Beech-Nut s Apple Juice; Minute Maid Lemonade; Foster Farms Chickens Ethics Codes: National Public Radio (NPR); Dole Food Company, Inc. 
2.4 Moral Character: Aristotle s Virtue Ethics 136 Spotlight: Erin Brockovich; Roger & Me; Salmon Fishing in the Yemen Cases: Kellogg s and Michael Phelps; The European Horsemeat Scandal Ethics Code: GM s Corporate Citizenship; Kellogg s K Values 
2.5 The Caring Community: Feminist Ethics 156 Spotlight: The Company Men; Erin Brockovich; Under the Clear Blue Sky Case: Film Recovery Systems, Inc. Ethics Code: Microsoft 
UNIT 3 Moral Reflection: Thorny Questions 177 
3.1 Finding the Balance: Addressing Environmental Disasters 178 Spotlight: Civil Action; Local Hero Cases: WR Grace Co.; West Virginia Chemical Spill; Exxon Valdez Ethics Code: Exxon Mobil Corporation 
3.2 Going Postal: Addressing Workplace Violence 194 Spotlight: John Q; Polytechnique; Murder by Proxy: America Goes Postal Cases: Gunman at LAX; The Montreal Massacre; Virginia Tech Rampage Ethics Code: Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) 
3.3 Stand By Me: Addressing Workplace Inequities 213 Spotlight: Made in Dagenham; Matewan Cases: UAW and H&M on Pay Equity; The Fast Food Workers Strike; H&M and Child Labor; Marriage Equality Ethics Code: H&M 
3.4 Enough Already: Addressing Workplace Harassment 230 Spotlight: North Country; The Invisible War; Disconnect Cases: Eveleth Mines; Bullies in the NFL Ethics Code: 
3.5 Working for Change: Global Justice & Human Rights 245 Spotlight: Sleep Dealer, Darwin s Nightmare, Fires of Kuwait Cases: Bangladesh s Sweatshop Collapse, Coca-Cola in Colombia, Pfizer in Nigeria, Dunkin Donuts Ad Campaign Ethics Code: Dunkin Donuts 
3.6 Transformation: The Art of Personal Power 263 Spotlight: Groundhog Day; Invictus Cases: Kudumbashri s Work Skills Program Ethics Code: The Coca-Cola Company 
4.1 Movies in this Book 277 
4.2 Cases in this Book 278 
4.3 Ethics Codes Cited in this Book 279 

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